Jonathan and Karen Otto
9512B. Apache Avenue, Fremont, WI, 54940
920-446- 3227
Email: or
Your expertise can help improve and expand the managed-grazing system on the farm, while you learn about more about breeding and calving, growing crops for feed, and budgeting, finance, and administrative aspects. Potential for long term employment, management, and new farm start-up as operation expands.
We have recently seeded down over 100 acres of pasture and are looking for a skilled grazier to help transition our operation toward a grazing-based system.
Farm Description:
200+ cow family owned and operated dairy farm.
Housing available?
Yes - 3-bedroom ranch style, on property.
Total acres:
Pasture acres:
Crop acres:
Milking in an older 12 unit swing-over parlor with automatic take-offs. Housing consists of a 125 cow, six row, sand-bedded freestall barn, in addition to bedded packs.
Livestock: 450 head including 200 milking cows, 230 young stock, and 20 dry cows. Annual calving 200 with spring, summer, and fall breeding program. 80% Holstein; 20% Jersey
Other information: Primary operator, Jonathan Otto, has a business degree and 15 years of experience in the dairy industry. The Otto Family Farm is part of the Farm-First Dairy Cooperative.