Registered Jerseys and Guernseys
Our family's farm is Springdale Farm in Waldo, Maine. We milk 120 registered Jerseys and Guernseys on 350+ acres. The farm has been in the family for 101 years and is managed by my sister and I who both hold Dairy Science degrees along with our father. While the bulk of our business is milk we are a diversified farm. We market dairy heifers, meats and have a small licensed creamery. The heart and soul of our farm consists of well cared for cows enjoying the benefits of rotational grazing.
Our grazing system consists of approximately 120 acres of permanent pasture and an additional 150 acres of hay fields that are pastured after being harvested (along with about 140 acres of hay and alfalfa). We are in the process of re-claiming about 25 additional acres of pasture that went unused for many years.
Our farm could offer a wealth of opportunity for learning, from grazing management, crop rotation, herd health, diversification and much more. We would welcome an apprentice who is also interested in learning about cheesemaking and the value-added enterprises on our farm.