Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship, along with University of Minnesota Extension, Minnesota Natural Resources Conservation Services, and Organic Valley/CROPP, will host a Fall Fling Pasture Walk in central Minnesota.
This event, which is open to the public, will take place on Wednesday, September 7 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Nate and Angie Walter Farm, located at 11034 110th Street, Villard, MN. The Walters milk 100 cows that are rotationally grazed and are Master Dairy Graziers with Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship.
The topics to be covered include crop rotations with grazing strips and winter rye for spring grazing, with demonstrations on using the pasture plate meter, yardstick measuring, and doing calculations on post and pre grazing paddocks.
Anyone interested in learning more about managed grazing or Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship is welcome. This event is offered free of charge. Lunch will be provided thanks to our generous sponsors: Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship and Organic Valley.
Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship is an accredited formal Apprenticeship, established by and for farmers, to train a new generation in the dairy grazing business and to give retiring farmers options for passing on the farm. Bonnie Haugen, the DGA Minnesota Education Coordinator, will be available to answer questions.
RSVPs are requested to help with food planning, but are not required. To RSVP, or if you have any questions, contact Bonnie Haugen at bonnie@dga-national.org or call 507-421-7170