Get involved!! Dairy Grazing Alliance is training a new generation of dairy farmers who utilize regenerative practices to revitalize rural communities, protect the environment, and produce nutrient-dense dairy products.
Learn more» Making Food Good
DonateDONATE by clicking the button above to make a secure tax-deductible contribution online.
If you prefer to send a check, please make payable to
Dairy Grazing Alliance
and mail to:
Dairy Grazing Alliance
247606 Gad Rd, Medford, WI 54451
DGA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
SPONSOR workforce training and market development for new farmers who will become customers for your company's products and services.
INVEST in innovative models for decentralized development of the dairy grazing sector.
- Land/farms to be leased to DGA graduates
- DGA Education Farms to train multiple Apprentices in one location and accelerate program outcomes
Learn more» New Dairy Concept
Contact DGA Executive Director, Joseph Tomandl, III, to start a conversation.
Shop the DGA Store
Get your confortable, functional, fashionable DGA swag here and $3 from the purchase of each item will go directly to support DGA educational programming.
for DGA branded gear by clicking button above to access the online store.
For bulk and custom orders, contact